My friend and author extraordinaire Andrez has a new graphic novel ready to go, Bullet Girl, which needs your help to get on the road.
Bullet Gal
The first thing you need to know about Bullet Gal is that it’s a loving homage to hardboiled noir — the detective fiction and pulp produced in the first half of the 20th century by writers like Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett.
As a writer with four published novels of his own as well as a graphic novel already under the belt, Andrez Bergen wears this influence with pride.
But he also loves his sci-fi and dystopia, anything from The Matrix to Blade Runner, Inception to Ghost in the Shell — and the Bullet Gal comic book embraces these inspirations too.
Let me tell you, I have the graphic novel adaption of Tobacco-stained Mountain Goat here, and if Bullet Girl is only remotely as good, it s well worth your investment.
Check out some sample art:
And this is the trailer with some more info:
If you are into hard-boiled noir, or simply love the style , enjoy a good graphic novel or just because you are awesome and want to help other awesome people please support Bullet Gal here.